Modelling process

For this process I have decided that it would be efficient for me to create the character model in ZBrush and then export into Maya. I have followed a great tutorial on how to step by step create a female model in a way to achieve efficient topology and at the same time good anatomy.

This method turned to be less time consuming as well, as the whole process of modeling only took a few days to complete because it is easier to sculpt in ZBrush giving the modeler more artistic freedom. There were also some problems encountered which I have manage to solve using Maya.

First I started with a cube and added some more subdivisions to create a cross afterwards  extruded the torso, head and hands. ZBrush has a function that adds more levels of subdivisions and this way creates the topology needed and with the sculpting brushes it is really easy manipulate the geometry in order to create the correct anatomy. 

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